Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dancing Snowflakes

Yesterday morning, I watched the snowflakes outside my window dance to the music of Mozart in my room. The day before that was a day of misery in the city, a day of rain and snow combined that caused a vicious combination of slushy sidewalks, cancelled trains, and hopeless waits to even catch a yellow cab. Then, came the 'snow day'.

'Snow day' is the most favorite day for every school children. I still have memories of being eagerly glued to the television in the wee hours of the morning waiting for the closing announcement of my school district. As soon as the name of the school district came out of the announcer, it was music to my ears and the snow seemed more beautiful than ever.

For all the snow days to come, there will always be a childhood memory, and while you trek through the snow, drive through it, or take a slow bus to get to work, you will remember that it is another ‘snow day’, your favorite day.

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