Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring in the City

Spring in NY. The tourists start coming, but have not fully occupied the streets. Leaves start growing in different shades of green. Tulips start blooming and I see more smiles than frowns. Central park is swarming with fluttering birds, young leaves, growing flowers, shimmering water, and happy children. There is a beautiful optimism that grows out of the cold bitterness of late winter. Smiley outdoor vendors are starting to sell an assortment of ice-cream and chilled juices. The grey snow and black ice that covered the corners of sidewalks have turned into yellow and red flower beds. Seasons are a reminder to us that change occurs and that life is a continuous cycle of birth, glory, sadness, happiness, death, and remembrance.

NY is a continous flow of personalities from every corner of the world - speaking different languages, eating different foods, and continuously adding to its aura. Among the yellow lines that dot the street and the concrete walls that tower a bold and powerful city, I still manage to spot a bright spring flower, a playful baby, or an unexpected smile.

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